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Ho da poco visitato il Vesuvio con l'agenzia Tempio Travel, da quelli che ho visto confrontando con altre esperienze, credo proprio che sia il modo migliore per visitarlo. Innanzitutto si parte con calma dalla stazione dei treni di Pompei, si arriva all'ingresso del parco e ci si sposta su un comodo pulmino 4x4 col quale si arriva vicinissimi alla vetta, quindi in 20 minuti a piedi si arriva in cima al vulcano, con accoglienza nella comoda Capannuccia. Da lì si visita in tutta calma il bordo del mitico Vulcano è altrettanto con calma si può rientrare al punto di prelievo per riprendere il pulmino. La cosa migliore è che si passa dal sentiero a lato del vulcano assolutamente meno trafficato tranquillo e con vista sul golfo, cosa che non è assolutamente vera per l'altro sentiero; per questo li consiglio.

Tours muy completo, historias y lugares fascinantes! La guía 10 puntos.

We booked a private guided tour through Tempio Travel, after booking Serena in the office was excellent, confirming our tour and providing advice about using a pushchair and where to park. On the day the meeting point was easy to find, everything ran to time and Ciro our guide was excellent. Hugely knowledgable and totally flexible to having a young child and a baby, he choose the easiest route round and kept our 8 year old entertained throughout, choose shady spots to explain the history to us, he was faultless. All in all a real highlight and we’d definitely use them again. Thank you Tempio!

We were a group of 8 over 60s who arranged a private tour. Our guide was Marily. She was superb. Her knowledge, her anecdotes and her clear descriptions brought the place alive for us. We would have wandered aimlessly without her. I strongly recommend anyone visiting Pompeii to use a guide. The visit was so much more more memorable thanks to her.

Hire a guide like Ciro. I read some of the other reviews and noted their comments about the way people were met and directed upstairs to buy tickets into Pompei. This did happen to me. I had intended to hire an audio and do the trip myself, however I'm glad that I decided to pay 2 euro more for a guide. The wait to begin was quite a while but our group was around 10 and our guide Ciro was great. He was friendly and knowledgeable and really made the whole place more real to me. Thank you Ciro and the lovely group who made the day very special.

Um passeio incrível pelas ruínas da cidade encoberta pelo vulcão vesuvio. A cidade escavada ainda conserva artefatos, mosaicos e pinturas. Impressionante os corpos retorcidos e a preservação do sítio histórico.

Amazing experience, as soon as we got off the train, we asked for information at the info-point about the best way to visit the ruins and the Vesuvio, they suggested us a walking tour across the ruins with an English speaking guide and a tour on the Vesuvio by bus through the National park. . They were both amazing experiences because the guide through the ruins was really excellent and has shown us the most important places of Pompei ruins and the bus trip across the National Park was wonderful because they used special jeeps and the landscape was beautiful. Perfect organization!! Very good also the lunch we had at the restaurant of the same company. Good price and so comfortable. Thanks, Pompei Tour Organizer You're the best.!!!!

We used tempio for our guided tour around pompei and the trip to mount Vesuvius. I'd thoroughly recommend them. It was so easy, they are right next to the pompei train station and were friendly and helpful. The tour around pompei was worth it as you go to the best parts and know what you are looking at. The guide gives you lots of information and helps give a feel for what it was like to live there. The mount Vesuvius trip was easy and ran regularly. Can get busy. We went mid afternoon which was less busy. There were amazing views and would definitely recommend it. By driving part way up the mountain you don't spend a whole day climbing.

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